What it means to be a Board-Certified family law Specialist in Texas

Texas, as well as a lot of other states in the United States, has a board certification process whereby when people have exhibited knowledge, experience, and the know-how in certain areas of law, you are given a certification that basically certifies you as a specialist in those areas. Now, that certification process is not something that you can do right out of law school. You have to have a certain number of hours and certain number of years practicing in an area. You have to meet certain requirements as far as jury trials, appellate trials. You have to be able to show that you’re experienced.

And then you take a test which is – actually I thought was tougher than the state bar. And it’s specific to the areas of family law. Once you pass all of those things, you are given a board certification and you are then re-looked at every five years to make sure that you’ve kept your skills up.

Attorney David S. Bouschor II, is Board Certified In Family Law and has been for over 25 year by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.