Probate Litigation

Treating Our Clients With the Utmost Respect & Dedication

Denton Contested Will and Probate Attorney 

Protecting Your Legacy: Contested Probates and Will Contests in Texas

At the Law Office of David S. Bouschor, II, P.C., we understand the immense value of protecting your legacy. When disagreements arise during probate or regarding a will in Texas, navigating these complex estate matters requires a highly skilled and experienced legal team on your side. 

Focused Expertise for Optimal Results:

Our attorneys and experienced legal professionals specialize in contested probates and will contests. Our firm's dedicated focus on probate law provides our clients with advocates with the in-depth knowledge and honed strategies necessary to effectively protect our clients’ interests and those of their loved ones. 

When Conflict Disrupts the Probate Process: 

Probate, the legal process of administering a deceased individual's estate, can become contentious when disagreements about the validity of a will or the distribution of assets surface. While every case is different, some of these conflicts can arise from:

  • Undue Influence: A beneficiary may be challenged if there is evidence that they pressured the deceased into changing their will.
  • Lack of Testamentary Capacity: If the deceased's mental state was compromised when they signed the will, its validity can be contested.
  • Fraud: Intentional misrepresentation or concealment of information related to the will or estate can lead to a legal challenge.
  • Omission from the Will: If a close family member is unexpectedly excluded from the will, they may have grounds to contest it.
  • Unclear Language: Vague or contradictory language in the will can lead to disputes about its interpretation.
  • Missing Heirs: The will excludes a rightful heir who is unknown at the time of probate or on other legal grounds.
  • Improper Execution: The will was not signed or witnessed according to Texas legal requirements.
  • Disputes Regarding Asset Distribution: Disagreements arise concerning the interpretation of the will, the valuation of assets, or how a representative is conducting their distribution.

Our probate attorneys in Denton understand the different aspects of the probate process and are here to help you. We have extensive experience serving clients all throughout the state of Texas. Contact us today for a confidential consultation.

Protecting Your Interests Through Litigation

Our team of seasoned litigators has a proven track record of successfully representing clients in contested probate matters and has gained a reputation for doing so. Our Texas will and probate attorneys will:

  • Conduct a Thorough Investigation: We meticulously work with you to gather evidence to support your case, including witness testimonies, financial records, and medical documentation (if applicable).
  • Craft a Comprehensive Legal Strategy: We tailor our approach to the unique circumstances of your case, to obtain the most effective course of action.
  • Navigate Complex Legal Procedures: We guide you through the intricacies of Texas probate law and your specific court to ensure you understand each step.
  • Advocate for Your Interests: We are tenacious in representing your rights and maximizing your chances of a favorable outcome.

Beyond Litigation: Exploring Alternatives

While litigation is sometimes unavoidable, we also explore alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options like mediation and arbitration when appropriate. ADR can offer time-saving and less expensive solutions for certain probate disputes and aid in the preservation of family relationships that continue beyond the litigation.

Experience You Can Trust: Protecting Your Legacy with Compassion

At the Law Office of David S. Bouschor, II, P.C., we understand the emotional and financial strain that contested probates and will contests can cause. Our compassionate and dedicated team will work tirelessly to achieve a resolution that honors your loved one's wishes while safeguarding your interests.

Contact Us Today

Schedule a consultation with our team to discuss your specific situation.  Our probate attorneys offer a transparent and honest assessment of your legal options and will guide you through every step of the process. Contact us today for a confidential consultation.


  • I definitely recommend this team of professionals

    “I'm eternally grateful to the Law Office of David S Bouschor. Everyone on staff is professional, caring & courteous. I'm blown away at how well they handled my divorce during this unprecedented pandemic (considering how quickly everything was/is changing). Their office manager (Melissa) was wonderful whenever my fears got the best of me. I could always count on her responding quickly to any and all questions/ concerns I ever had. I definitely recommend this team of professionals to anyone in need of legal expertise.”

  • No bumps in the road, smooth and efficient.

    “The probate process was totally complete in 4 months, over holiday season and during COVID no less.”

  • Made it as smooth as possible for me.

    “I used them for my divorce and they did a great job. Made it as smooth as possible for me and gave me the guidance needed to make the right decisions.”

  • Great Family Law Attorney

    “David Bouschor has provided superior guidance during a very stressful time. He explained my options and guided me down the proper path for my situation/circumstances.”

  • Her attention to detail and listening skills are by far the best.

    “Her attention to detail and listening skills are by far the best.”