For Our Current Clients
Our office is assisting families and people, not numbers. To the end, the Law Office of David S. Bouschor, II, P.C. has a dedicated operations team,to assist clients with the navigation of their case. This team works closely with the legal teams to provide clients with support and services they may need along the way. Do you have questions about your account? Do you have a communication preference? Is there something that would support you through your time with us? Don’t hesitate to reach out or let us know. Contact us today and see how we can help!

A file will be generated by the Law Firm during the course of your legal matter consisting of documents generated and received by the Law Firm over the course of your legal matter. Some documents will be physical documents, and some documents will exist only in digital format and will not be converted to physical documents. You may also provide documents to the Law Firm, some of which may be significant original documents such as original deeds, stock certificates, bonds, or promissory notes. Subject to the terms of any court orders and/or other written agreements between us, you are entitled to receive the contents of the file generated during the course of your legal matter at the conclusion of the representation. At the conclusion of the representation, you will be notified in writing that your file is available should you like a copy. You will have 30 days from the date we provide written notice to you that your file is available to pick up from the Law Firm’s office. If you have not retrieved your file after the expiration of 30 days, the Law Firm will return any significant original documents to you by certified mail, return receipt requested, or other form of receipted delivery at your last known mailing address. At any time after the expiration of 30 days after written notice has been sent to you, the remaining physical documents in your file may, at the Law Firm’s option, be destroyed in accordance with the Law Firm’s file retention policy without further notice to you. After the physical documents have been destroyed, your file will only be available in digital form.
The Office of DAVID S. BOUSCHOR II, P.C., [“Law Firm”] is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. We understand the need for after-hours appointments, telephone calls, and document delivery/pick-up, each of which are discussed below.
Because every legal matter is different, and since many human factors are involved, neither your Attorney nor the Law Firm can or will warrant or represent results of representation nor recovery or reimbursement of fees or costs. Statements by anyone in the Law Firm on these matters are opinions only.
Our policy is to return calls the same day a call is received; however, your attorney may be prevented from returning your call until later because they are in court, mediations, or meetings. Your legal team is made up of your attorney and their legal support staff that are actively working your matter. Your paralegal may return your call per your attorney’s instruction to ensure you are taken care of promptly if he or she is unable to immediately.
Our Handling of Your Case: Rather than retaining an individual Attorney, you are retaining the LAW FIRM OF DAVID S. BOUSCHOR II, P.C. [“Law Firm”], which is comprised of a Family Law Board-Certified Attorney, experienced attorneys, paralegals, legal assistant, and legal secretaries. While your case will be handled primarily by your Attorney, it is unusual for only one person to do everything in your case. Therefore, professional services will be rendered, and work will be assigned, as appropriate and reasonable, to the Attorney or the legal support staff according to the level of expertise and experience required, familiarity with your case, and work and trial schedules. Because we draw upon the experience and expertise of each member of the Law Firm, feel free to speak with the paralegal if you cannot reach your Attorney. Relationship of Attorney and Client: Loyalty: You are assured of your Attorney's and the Law Firm's complete loyalty. The opposing party, whether a present/former spouse or family member, is not our client and we will do nothing for or on account of anyone else except upon your instructions after consultation. Do not misunderstand your Attorney's dealing with other lawyers on a friendly basis. Professional and common courtesy dictates that we maintain good relations with other lawyers. You will find that good lawyers are perfectly capable of zealously representing their client in court or in negotiations, then resuming a more friendly demeanor when the controversy is over. Your interests and our loyalty are always paramount. Confidentiality: Every communication between Attorney and Client is confidential. Confidentiality is our professional obligation, enforced by law and the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct. Because legal support staff will be handling your file and discussing your case with you and your Attorney, you should rely upon their confidentiality and cooperate with them just as though you were dealing directly with your Attorney. Anything your Attorney tells you should also remain confidential. Do not disclose to anyone any communication with your Attorney, verbal or written. Discussing your case with family or friends waives the confidentiality protection afforded to these communications. Honesty and Completeness: You must be totally and completely honest with your Attorney and provide full information on anything pertaining to your case. Clients often think that some little fact is insignificant; however, that fact may be crucial and possibly the turning point in your case. Remember, the laws are complex and intertwined; do not leave any details out. Your Attorney will be in a poor position to help you if they do not know all the relevant facts, including any facts which may be embarrassing or hurt your case. Your Attorney can do something about harmful facts if they know about them in advance. Failing to disclose the full truth will usually give rise to a worse result. Texas Lawyer’s Creed: The Law Firm is committed to The Texas Lawyer’s Creed—A Mandate for Professionalism as promulgated by the Supreme Court of Texas and the Court of Criminal Appeals. The Texas Lawyer’s Creed sets standards of professionalism by which we deal with our clients, other attorneys, judges, and the legal system. The creed requires our firm to advise you of the contents of the creed when representing you. A copy of the Texas Lawyer’s Creed is attached to this “Office Policy and Procedure” for your review. Current Personal Contact Information: You must keep this Law Firm informed of your most current address, phone numbers, and E-mail address. Failure to do so makes your representation by this Law Firm considerably harder and more expensive. In the most extreme cases, if the failure to keep personal information current renders representation impossible, the Law Firm will have to withdraw from representing Client.
Agreement with Law Firm: You will be required to sign an "Agreement for Professional Legal Services" [“Agreement”] prior to engagement, and is a contract between you and the LAW OFFICE OF DAVID S. BOUSCHOR II, P.C. The Agreement specifies the matter for which the Law Firm is retained, the fee arrangement, and other aspects of the contractual relationship. This "Policies and Procedures" statement is an important part of the Agreement, together with the “Texas Lawyer’s Creed”, form your contract with the Law Firm. Read all three documents carefully; ask if you have any questions about your rights and obligations.
The only sure means of meeting with your Attorney is to schedule an appointment. This practice allows your attorney to focus on working for you uninterrupted, which allows them to do better work for you. If something unexpected arises, call and our Law Firm will work with you to ensure you are taken care of. Appointments are usually set during regular office hours but may be scheduled at other times if necessary. Notify us in advance if you are going to be late or unable to keep your appointment; failure to do so may result in billing of ½ hour to cover preparation time and loss of Law Firm time.
All aspects of the Attorney-Client relationship are subject to the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct. Therefore, we must sometimes decline to take certain steps that you may request. Further, although not every complaint against or dispute with an Attorney involves professional misconduct, the State Bar Office of General Counsel, which investigates and prosecutes professional misconduct, will provide information about how to file a complaint by calling 1-800-932-1900.
In the event that any disagreement, dissatisfaction, or conflict of interest arises between you and the Law Firm, you must notify us immediately and employ every good faith effort to resolve any problem, just as we will. Without notification, we will not be able to resolve the conflict.
The Law Firm is required to exercise our independent judgment in Client’s best interest at all times, according to our experience and expertise. Sometimes it is necessary to conclude the Attorney-Client relationship. Therefore, please be aware of the following terms and conditions of termination:
By Law Firm: The Law Firm may withdraw from representation at any time if:
(a) representation will result in violation of rules of professional conduct that govern attorneys;
(b) you persist in or use the Law Firm's services to accomplish a course of action reasonably believed to be criminal or fraudulent; (c) you insist upon presenting a claim or defense that is not warranted under existing law and cannot be supported by good faith argument for an extension, modification, or reversal of existing law;
(d) you insist upon pursuing an objective the Attorney considers repugnant or imprudent or with which the Attorney has fundamental disagreement;
(e) you fail to fulfill an obligation to the Law Firm, including if payment of an invoice is not received within ten (10) days after your receipt thereof;
(f) you misrepresent or fail to disclose material facts to the Law Firm;
(g) representation will result in an unreasonable financial burden on the Law Firm or has been rendered unreasonably difficult by you; or
(h) other good cause.
By Client: The Law Firm will immediately undertake withdrawal from representation if discharged by you. You must communicate the discharge in writing to the Law Firm. Notwithstanding your desires, an Attorney's withdrawal from a suit requires Court approval.
Results of Termination: In the event of termination, the Law Firm will take steps reasonable measures to protect your interests, including giving reasonable notice to you, allowing time for employment of other counsel, surrendering papers and property to which you are entitled, and refunding unearned fees. However, the Law Firm may retain papers relating to you and the matter undertaken to the extent permitted by law.
Contractual Obligation: In the event of termination, whether by you or the Law Firm, you remain obligated to pay then-earned professional fees and incurred expenses and costs and must pay same pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. In the event of non-payment, any action to enforce payment or collection of amounts due will be maintained in Denton County, Texas and you will be responsible for attorney's fees and costs incurred in enforcement and collection.
Our policy is to return E-mails within 24 hours of an E-mail being received. Please include your legal support team on any emails you address to your attorney. This will ensure you are taken care of promptly as attorneys are often in court, mediations, or meetings. In addition, E-mails can be an efficient way of transferring information in text or through attachments. Please do not send The Law Office of David S. Bouschor, II, P.C. - Office Policies and Procedures Page 2 of 8 WWW.DSBLEGAL.COM sensitive information via email (HIPAA information, Social Security numbers, etc.). A secure electronic share folder will be provided to you to upload such documents and data to our Law Firm. Our Law Firm recommends that each client create a new, secure email address for the sole use of communicating with this Law Firm. This ensures that 1) your email is not compromised by others and 2) that you do not miss any of our correspondence amongst other daily emails you may receive. During your onboarding process, our operations team will request that you create one. If you have sent our Law Firm an E-mail message that has not been responded to timely, please call so that the problem can be corrected. Unfortunately, virus scans and other Microsoft defenses can cause some E-mail messages to fail to be delivered. We can work with our IT team to ensure future delivery if there is a problem.

I definitely recommend this team of professionals
“I'm eternally grateful to the Law Office of David S Bouschor. Everyone on staff is professional, caring & courteous. I'm blown away at how well they handled my divorce during this unprecedented pandemic (considering how quickly everything was/is changing). Their office manager (Melissa) was wonderful whenever my fears got the best of me. I could always count on her responding quickly to any and all questions/ concerns I ever had. I definitely recommend this team of professionals to anyone in need of legal expertise.”
No bumps in the road, smooth and efficient.
“The probate process was totally complete in 4 months, over holiday season and during COVID no less.”
Made it as smooth as possible for me.
“I used them for my divorce and they did a great job. Made it as smooth as possible for me and gave me the guidance needed to make the right decisions.”
Great Family Law Attorney
“David Bouschor has provided superior guidance during a very stressful time. He explained my options and guided me down the proper path for my situation/circumstances.”
Her attention to detail and listening skills are by far the best.
“Her attention to detail and listening skills are by far the best.”
David Bouschor is Board Certified in Family Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Big Firm Quality, Paired With the Small Firm Attention
Serving Spanish Speaking Clients | Abogados Que Hablan Español
Flat Fee Consultations
Over 60 years of collective Family Law, Probate, and Guardianship experience